Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Hosts First Ag ConnectHER Event
The American Farm Bureau Federation recently held the first Ag ConnectHER event to inspire women in agricultural leadership. Shawn Wood, Western Region Representative on the Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee and Arizona farmer, was the emcee for the first event.
"We're super excited to launch this new Ag ConnectHER. The intent is to connect women in agriculture and leadership throughout the country with leaders that really set an example, who are willing to reach out, willing to share their experiences," Wood said. "So, it’s to connect in kind of a one-hour event that's held three to four times per year."
The first event featured Jennifer Sirangelo, President and CEO of the National 4H Council.
"She was just fabulous in sharing her experiences and what she had learned through that process, and just giving lots of little tools to add to your toolbox to inspire and to kind of equip women in leadership," Wood said. "And she provided a ton of insight into what it takes to be a leader and to be a good leader."
Wood says its all about women sharing their leadership experiences with each other.
"Just kind of this executive level, tremendous women in these leadership roles that have these journeys, and experiences, and knowledge, and they're willing to give back and share to help develop and inspire other women," Wood said. "So, the idea is that we're better when we share with those around us. And our next event will be September 5, and it'll be held at 8 p.m. Eastern Time."
Learn more and watch the first event on the Women’s Leadership page at
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