From Trade to Regulations, AFBF President Urges Farmers and Ranchers to Engage on Full Range of Issues
AFBF’s public policy agenda shares much in common with the Trump administration on issues like regulatory reform and tax reform. But even harder issues such as farm labor and trade should present opportunities to engage with Congress and the White House, alike, AFBF President Zippy Duvall told participants at the Agriculture Department’s Agricultural Outlook Forum.
Duvall, who farms in Georgia, said America’s farmers and ranchers have to make their voices heard on “all of these issues.” He expressed optimism over Trump’s nomination of former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue to lead USDA.
“You couldn’t ask for a finer gentleman or a stronger champion for our farmers and ranchers,” Duvall said. “I believe he could be one of the all-time great secretaries of agriculture. And we need him confirmed so he can get to work.”
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