Marvelous Moo
make a connection to agriculture
What products, other than meat, come from cattle? Explain that a beef by-product is anything made from a beef animal other than the meat we eat. Some by-products can be edible, like the gelatin from the beef animal's hooves and horns that is used in marshmallows. Many by-products are inedible, like the leather from the hide that is used to make baseballs and footballs.
- Solo plastic cups
- Tube Socks
- Band-Aid
- Crayon
- Chalk
- Stick of gum
- Marshmallow
- Match
Place each item in a Solo plastic cup. Put the cup into a tube sock to keep the product from view. Put numbers on the socks. Have participants reach into the cup and guess the item. Explain how that product is made from cattle.
Livestock Facts and What Livestock Produce