The Nebraska and Missouri Farm Bureaus have started funds to raise money for the many farmers, ranchers and others who were affected by devastating storms and flooding in March.



The Nebraska Farm Bureau has launched relief efforts to aid Nebraska farmers, ranchers, and rural communities suffering from the natural disasters that have impacted the state. NFB will focus the funding on efforts to restore health and safety in rural communities and to farm and ranch households that have been damaged or displaced by the natural disaster. 

To aid farmers and ranchers in recovery, the Nebraska Farm Bureau has also opened the Agriculture Disaster Exchange portal. The online portal allows members to share information, providing a place for those in need to make requests for assistance and for those looking to help, to offer it.

To donate or apply for aid from the Disaster Relief Fund, utilize the Agriculture Disaster Exchange portal, or access other disaster assistance resources, visit



Recognizing that many students, FFA chapters and agriculture education departments have lost resources, Supervised Agricultural Experience projects and more due to severe flooding, the Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has established a flood relief fund. The Foundation is accepting monetary donations so that students can continue their programs and agricultural education with as little interruption as possible. 

Donations will be given to agricultural education departments and students in Missouri affected by the disaster. Tax-deductible donations may be made to the Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, which is a 501c(3) charitable non-profit. Donate online at or mail a check (payable to Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture) to:


MOFB Flood Relief

PO Box 658

Jefferson City, MO 65102