New Telemedicine Service Gives Members Healthcare Access
It’s early Saturday morning and you suspect your child has an ear infection. You live in a rural area and your local clinic is closed, there is no urgent care nearby, and the nearest emergency room is an hour away. You could:
A) Drive to the emergency room and pay an exorbitant fee.
B) Suffer through it until Monday.
C) Use telemedicine to talk or video chat with a doctor and get a prescription.
If you are like 99% of the population, you probably chose C. New telemedicine products make it easier than ever to received 24/7 medical care.
But new technology and convenience comes with a price. That is why Utah Farm Bureau partnered with the nation’s largest telemedicine provider, MDLIVE.
Our members receive unlimited, 24/7 access to board-certified doctors, pediatricians and nurses, with no copay or call fees. These services are typically only available at 3-4 times the rate, but Farm Bureau members can access this benefit for only $50 a year or $4.95 a month, for their entire family!
This service is available for all members and can be particularly helpful to members in rural counties, where medical access is often limited.
“We recognize many of your members are busy on the farm and not necessarily nearby a health care provider,” said Sara Whitbeck, MDLIVE Training Director said. “We feel our telemedicine service can help these people get back to their normal lives and get back to restoring their health a lot faster.”
Whitbeck said many people have a telemedicine service through their traditional health care plan, but they are charged a fee every time they call in.
“The model we have partnered on with Utah Farm Bureau allows for unlimited calls and then just that small $4.95 charge per month, or $50 per year, instead,” She said.
All MDLIVE’s health care professionals are board-certified, with an average of 15 years’ experience. When using the service, members can choose a doctor based on their preferences, such as gender and languages spoken. Members can also access the service anywhere in the U.S.
The doctors and nurses can prescribe medication to members, through their preferred pharmacy. Members with health insurance can still use their insurance to pay for the prescription.
“We know this won’t replace insurance,” Dale Newton, CEO of Utah Farm Bureau said. “But we are hoping it helps fill a gap for members who have high copays or deductibles, or those who have no insurance at all. This gives them access to medical care, regardless of other circumstances.”
According to MDLIVE, their research shows that 70% of office visits can be handled through a virtual visit. MDLIVE offers video chat options through their app or help via a phone call.
“The ultimate goal is to provide people with a more convenient and inexpensive way to get the medical treatment they need, when they need it,” Whitbeck said.
Many Farm Bureau members have already signed up and are enjoying this inexpensive service.
“It’s super fast and easy,” Tiffany McConkie, member in Duchesne County said. “I used it when my daughter needed antibiotics.”
Utah Farm Bureau takes pride in offering benefits of great value to their members, and we believe this service is not only a good financial benefit, but also one that will improve our member’s quality of life.
If you would like to enroll in this new service, please visit If you have any questions or problems, please contact Julia Misiego at 801-233-3010.
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