The Utah Farm to Fork Task Force is an organization that is working to get more local foods into schools, child care centers, summer programs, etc. We are compiling a farmer database so that organizations can easily locate Utah producers that may be interested in selling to them. If you’re interested in becoming a supplier to child nutrition program sponsor in Utah please fill out this short survey, found at

The survey asks about your contact information and what you produce. It also asks about your distribution methods and how the food can be collected by the organization purchasing it. Distribution can be individualized for each buyer/seller to meet the needs of both parties. 

Completing the survey does not obligate you to sell to anyone; it just lets school food service directors and purchasing agents know that you may be interested and are open for them to contact you for bids. This information will be shared with interested individuals and schools upon request.Don’t be worried that you’re too small to supply to schools! Many organizations start their farm-to-school programming with one-time special events, such as a “vegetable or meat of the month”, by highlighting local produce on their salad bars, or serving a local meat option. Smaller urban and/or family farms can be the perfect size to support these activities.

There are many benefits for selling to local schools for you and the children. One benefit is that many schools are interested in buying “seconds” or imperfect produce that doesn’t always sell well to the general public. Selling to schools allows kids to have access to nutritious, high quality, local foods. Selling local produce and meats also allows farmers and ranchers to save on transportation costs. Local foods allow schools to give children hands-on learning experiences related to food, agriculture, health and nutrition. 

Farm to School is a win for everyone involved. Some benefits of Farm to School are an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption by children, lower risk of childhood obesity, increased knowledge of agriculture, and an increased willingness to try new foods. We need farmers to make Farm to School happen! 

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions on how you can sell your delicious, healthy products to the organizations serving children in your area. For more information, please contact Kate Wheeler, 801-538-7659 / or Maryann Durrant, 801-538-7624,