SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) is seeking grant proposals for H.R. 133 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Stimulus Funding. This funding,  made possible by H.R. 133: Consolidated Appropriations act of 2020, is available for projects designed to enhance the competitiveness of Utah-grown specialty crops. Specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, and horticulture and nursery crops; a full list of specialty crops is available here

The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is a competitive grant program operated by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food to administer federal funds from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. This grant is open to producers, private businesses, schools, trade associations, non-profits, farmers markets, farming and ranching co-ops, etc. headquartered in Utah.

Up to four projects will be awarded within one or more of the following categories:

  • Innovative Distribution of Specialty Crops
  • Training the New Generation of Specialty Crop Farmers
  • Improving Consumer Recognition of Specialty Crops in the Marketplace
  • and/or Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification Vouchers.

The application window is open now and has a deadline of February 11, 2022. This special one-time round of H.R. 133 SCBGP Stimulus Funding is available in addition to the annual Farm Bill SCBGP funding which will open in early 2022. 

For more information and to apply, visit