Top Industry Experts and Speakers Coming to Basin AG Expo, June 21-22, in Vernal
The Uintah County Farm Bureau announced they are hosting the 2024 Basin AG Expo, June 21-22, 2024, at the Uintah County Western Park in Vernal. In working with partners throughout the community, County Farm Bureau leaders are hoping to showcase the impact agriculture has in the region that is often recognized for energy production. All Farm Bureau members are invited to register and attend -- admission is free, but there is a cost for the dinner/entertainment.
“We wanted to show people that there is a lot going on in our county in addition to energy production,” said Cody Wilkins, Uintah County Farm Bureau president. “Energy is a great contributor to our economy, but agriculture is a foundational industry that also provides a lot of benefits to our region and the state. We hope this expo helps to showcase that.”
The County Farm Bureau revealed a number of prolific speakers that will be addressing the AG Expo, including agriculture advocates Rob Sharkey and Natalie Kovarik, succession planning advisor Rena Striegel, and “no-nonsense” horse trainer Pat Puckett and farmer comedian "Tim the Dairy Farmer". There will also be a trade show and presentations on market outlooks from StoneX and updates on water opitimization grants from Hannah Freeze of UDAF.
Sharkey, better known as the “Shark Farmer” is an Illinois grain farmer that also has a podcast and hosts radio show that is heard on Sirius XM Satellite radio.
Sharkey also hosts a television program – A Shot of Ag – on PBS and RFD-TV. Known for his authentic and honest storytelling on his podcast, Sharkey isn’t afraid to address controversial topics or share the struggles of being a modern farmer and business owner.
Born and raised on a cattle ranch in southwest Montana, Natalie Kovarik received her degree in pharmacy and worked as a full-time pharmacist until relocating to Nebraska when she married her husband - a Nebraska rancher.
A self-taught entrepreneur, Kovarik pivoted from the world of pharmacy to the online world when she co-founded a direct-to-consumer beef business with a childhood friend. It was then she was introduced to the power of social media as a marketing tool. Kovarik teamed up with fellow Agricultural Advocate – Tara Vander Dussen – to launch the Discover Ag tv-series as well as the popular podcast Discover Ag.
Kovarik unveils how courage and simple acts of bravery have been the driving force behind both the personal & professional success she and her husband have experienced on and off their first generation cattle ranch. Natalie will not only shares the story of their own personal success, but how showing courage in face of difficulty also ignited a spark in her audience as well, to pursue their own agriculture dreams.
The Uintah County Farm Bureau hopes the AG Expo will be a resource for agricultural innovation and an event where those seeking knowledge, products, and services.
For more information or to register, visit
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