Ever had a hard time finding or keeping volunteers? Here are some suggestions to make sure you're giving your volunteers what they need.

To Feel Welcome

What can you do to make volunteers feel welcome?

To Feel Like an Active Participant

Make sure they have an active role to play. Give them a fun job. Let the lead the cow onto the field; don’t ask them to clean up the manure. Have the right number of people for the job so everyone feels essential. 

To Feel Like It Mattered That They Were There

Make sure the job you ask them to do matches their skills and interests.

Ask the Farm Bureau president to individually thank them.

To Feel Like It Was Worth Their Time

Introduce them to staff and volunteers so they build their network. Send them a thank you note with a summary of the impact the event had—the number of people who attended, a copy of the newspaper article, photos, etc. Help them learn something new.

Positive Experience = They may volunteer again

Negative Experience = They won’t volunteer again, and they will tell others about their negative experience.