Make a Difference

Some people are motivated by making a difference in the world. They will put full effort into things they care about and view as important.

Social Opportunities

Some people are motivated by the social aspect of being with other volunteers. They love meeting new people and making new connections.

Personal or Professional Development

Some people are motivated by learning something new. They may see the volunteer opportunity as a way to become better personally and/or professionally.

Are You Effectively Communicating the Benefits of Volunteering?

If you don’t share the same hot button as a potential volunteer, your attempts to sell that person on volunteering may have the opposite effect.

Opportunity:                     Does volunteering for your committee allow members to learn, have fun, and make a difference?

Perception:                        Does your committee’s reputation encourage members to become active volunteers?

Communications:            Does your message appeal to members and inspire them to volunteer?

Experience:                        Does the quality of the experience compel members to volunteer again?