Women's Leadership County Grants
The purpose of the Women’s Leadership County Grant is to allow counties an opportunity to provide an agriculture education experience in their respective county. The Grant may cover any Farm Bureau sponsored Ag Education activity including, but not limited to, Agriculture in the Classroom, American Farm Bureau Foundation For Agriculture or other agriculture education sources. Women’s Leadership County Grant applications will be reviewed and granted by the State Utah Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee.
There are two grant awards, with deadlines on March 1 and September 1. For each grant and corresponding deadline, $1,000 in grant money will be available to disperse among counties who apply. An individual county can apply for a maximum of $250 per grant and are welcome to apply to both the March and September deadlines, even if they were previously awarded a grant. Grant checks will be sent before the activity is to begin. A written report, including photos, of the completed activity will be required to be sent back to susan.furner@fbfs.com, no later than 10 days after the event is completed.
Ideas: County Fair booth or activity, Farm Field Day, Ag in a Bag, Women’s Committee Short Story or Video Contest and other Women’s Committee projects or visiting a school with an agriculture activity.
**A timeline and budget plan must be included with your application. The county need for the grant will be heavily weighted in the selection process. ***
Please send completed grant application to susan.furner@fbfs.com or Utah Farm Bureau, Attn: Susan Furner. 9865 South State, Sandy UT 84070. The check will be made out to the County Farm Bureau and will be sent to the county Farm Bureau president.