The American Farm Bureau's County Activities of Excellence Awards program celebrates unique, volunteer-driven programming at the local level. Counties will display their winning activities at the AFBF Annual Convention and Trade Show in January in Austin, Texas.

The innovative, action-oriented programs developed by county Farm Bureaus are a huge part of the overall success of Farm Bureau.  The CAE program categorizes activities into the following areas: Education and Ag Promotion, Member Services, Public Relations and Information, Leadership Development and Policy Implementation.Up to 24 county Farm Bureau activities from across the nation will be selected to display in the IDEAg Trade Show January 17 – 22, 2020 in Austin, Texas. Individual county activities and multi-county collaborative activities selected will receive $2,250 toward expenses incurred to participate in the CAE program at the AFBF Annual Convention and Trade Show as well as four free convention registrations.

Don’t miss the deadline application –– apply today: