With a growing population and increased needs for food, fuel and fiber, farmers are rising to the challenge through efficiency and sustainability practices. Over the last 30 years, ag emissions per capita in the U.S. have gone down 20%. In fact, farmers and ranchers in Utah and throughout the country are at the forefront of climate-smart farming, putting scientific solutions, technology and innovation to work to protect our land, air and water.

Numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency continue to show that U.S. farmers and ranchers are leading the way in caring for our land, air and water. According to the latest numbers from EPA, U.S. agriculture reduced its overall emissions by 4.3% from 2019 to 2020.

America’s Farmers and Ranchers are Doing More with Less 

Not only is agriculture’s overall emissions low, farmers and ranchers are taking active steps to make their footprint even smaller. Compared to 1990, farmers would have needed almost 100 million additional acres to harvest the same amount of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans and wheat they produced in 2018. Farm Bureau recently helped produce a video sharing Agriculture's Sustainability Story. When it comes to conservation and sustainability, America's farmers and ranchers are literally the boots on the ground. Every day and every season, farmers and ranchers are looking for ways to do better and help fulfill their mission to produce our nation’s food, fiber, and fuel, #ItsJustWhatWeDo.