In a special episode of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Farmside Chat, podcast host AFBF President Zippy Duvall reflects on AFBF's centennial, Nov. 12, 2019, and chats with Hall of Fame farm broadcaster Orion Samuelson about the history and future of American agriculture.

Samuelson not only covered agriculture news at many AFBF Annual Conventions, he himself made AFBF headlines in 1998 when the organization bestowed on him its Distinguished Service Award. Established in 1928 to honor individuals who have devoted their careers to serving the national interest of American agriculture, the DSA is AFBF’s highest honor. U.S. Sen. Bob Dole also received the DSA that year.

“That had to be a Farm Bureau highlight for me – being on stage with Bob Dole to get the Distinguished Service Award,” Samuelson said.

You can access Farmside Chat several ways. The podcast is available on the  AFBF website, as well as through  iTunesGoogle PlaySpotifySoundCloud and  Stitcher. Most podcast services allow you to subscribe to or follow a podcast so that when there’s a new episode, it will automatically download to the podcast platform.

You can also listen to the chat below.