USDA Reaches out to Farmers & Ranchers with Ag Labor Survey this month
Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard! USDA NASS conducts its biannual Agricultural Labor Survey in October. More than 18,000 farmers and ranchers across the nation will have the opportunity to participate in the survey online at or by mail.
Taking part in the survey helps show the value and importance of farm labor to U.S. agriculture. The data can be used to measure the availability of farm workers across the nation and help determine if there is a shortage of farm laborers. The survey is an opportunity to provide accurate information for hired farm labor.
Survey recipients who do not respond by Oct. 18 may be contacted by NASS to arrange an interview or sent a reminder email. NASS will publish the data at on Nov. 22 in the Farm Labor report. For more information, visit
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