Women’s Communications Boot Camp Fall Session Application Now Open
AFBF will host the fall session of Women’s Communications Boot Camp in Washington, D.C., Oct. 22-25. The application period for the fall session is now open and will close at 12:00 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, Aug. 15. The Utah Farm Bureau Federation has had a number of applicants make it to the National Boot Camp recently, including Joel (Hatch) Jensen, Becca Ferry, Jenny Osguthorpe, and Sherrie (Staheli) Tate. Each have had wonderful experiences and felt it was helpful for instilling confidence in working with the media.
Applications will only be accepted electronically using the online application. Handwritten and/or scanned entries will not be accepted. For more information, visit the Women’s Communications Boot Camp page on the AFBF website.
(Sherrie (Staheli) Tate of Washington County reviews video footage of an interview with American Farm Bureau's Johnna Miller in 2018).
(Jenny Osguthorpe of Wasatch County practices a media interview with Cyndie Shearing of the American Farm Bureau as part of Boot Camp in 2016)
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