Achievement Award
The Achievement Award Program is designed to recognize those young farmers and ranchers that have excelled in their farming/ranching operations and honed their leadership abilities to superiority. The contestants will be evaluated on a combination of their farming operation growth and financial progress of operation, FB Leadership, as well as leadership outside of Farm Bureau. More specifically, the judges will be looking for excellence in management, growth and scope of the enterprise and self-initiative that have been displayed throughout the operation. A contestant's participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations is a definite point getter from the judges.
State winners receive a new John Deere Gator courtesy of Western Ag Credit, a year's insurance on the ATV From Farm Bureau Insurance, a safety helmet from Utah Farm Bureau, and an expense-paid trip to the 2025 AFBF Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas January 24-29, 2025 to compete in the national competition. Second and third place winners will receive cash prizes during the awards and recognition program at the UFBF Convention. As part of the National YF&R Competitions, the winners in the Achievement Award, Discussion Meet, and Excellence in Agriculture Award competitions will receive a new Ford vehicle (up to a value of $35,000) and paid registration to a National Young Farmer & Rancher conference, courtesy of Ford. Second place recipients receive a Case IH Farmall 50A Tractor, courtesy of Case IH. Third place recipients receive a Case IH 40" Combination Roll Cabinet & Top Chest and $500 Case IH parts card, courtesy of Case IH, a $2,500 Investing in Your Future cash prize, courtesy of American Agricultural Insurance Company, plus $1,850 of Stanley Black & Decker merchandise, courtesy of Stanley Black & Decker. The fourth place recipient, nationally, receives a Case IH 40" Combination Roll Cabinet & Top Chest, and a $500 Case IH parts card, courtesy of Case IH.
DEADLINE: Friday, September 27, 2024 at 5 PM (No Late Applications Will Be Accepted)
APPLICATION: 2024-Achievement-AwardFinal.docx
Fillable PDF: 2024-Achievement-AwardFinal-Fillable .pdf
SCORING: 2024-Achievement-Award-Rubric-FINAL.pdf