WASHINGTON, December 18, 2018 – The following statement regarding the resignation of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke can be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall, and Utah Farm Bureau President Ron Gibson. 

"Utah farmers and ranchers appreciate the service of Secretary Zinke. He has demonstrated tremendous leadership, vision and support for Utah ranchers – particularly on issues involving public lands. Livestock grazing and timber harvests contribute to the economic well-being of Utah's rural economies, and are essential to the cultural fabric of those communities. Utah ranchers believe multiple-use principles and management practices are sustainable for both the rancher and the habitat associated with America's public lands." - Ron Gibson, Utah Farm Bureau President

“On behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation, we offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Secretary Ryan Zinke for his service, vision, and leadership at the U.S. Department of the Interior. His admiration for rural America, dedication to management of our public lands, and support for traditional western values have not gone unnoticed. We look forward to working with President Trump’s next Interior Secretary to advance the interests of Americas farmers and ranchers and to ensure effective management of our public lands.” - Zippy Duvall, American Farm Bureau President