Events, Deadlines & Awards
Women's LEADERSHIP County Grants
County grants offer an opportunity for counties to apply for funds to provide an agriculture education experience in their local area. The grants may cover any Farm Bureau sponsored activities promoting Agricultural Education. Grant applications will be reviewed and awarded by the Utah Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership State Committee.
Two grants are awarded each year, with application deadlines on March 1st and September 1st. For each grant and corresponding deadline, $1,000 in grant money will be available to disperse among the applicants. The amount awarded to an individual county will be at the discretion of the reviewing committee. Counties are welcome to apply for both the March and September grants, even if they were previously awarded a grant.
Grants will be funded prior to the planned activity/event, with a requirement of a written report describing how the objectives and goals of the grant were accomplished. Be sure to include photos. Please email reports to Susan Furner, no later than 10 days after the activity/event.
Ideas: County Fair Booth or Activity, Farm Field Days, Ag in a Bag, Short Story Contest, Video Contest, Our Food Link, Social Media Contests, National Ag Week Activities, Ag Day at a Local School, etc.
Quilt of the Counties
The quilt theme is "It's a Farm Thing". To donate, click HERE
AFBF Women's Boot Camp
Women's Communications Boot Camp is an intensive training opportunity for any female Farm Bureau member interested in building skills needed to communicate about agriculture and Farm Bureau. To date, 239 women have graduated from the program. These skilled alumni provide Farm Bureau with a passionate and persuasive group of advocates who connect with influencers on the local, state and national levels.
Participants receive training on advocacy, public speaking, communicating with elected officials, social media strategy, targeted messaging and working with the media. Boot Camp is held at the AFBF offices in Washington, D.C. To learn more click HERE.
AFBF Women's Boot Camp Scoring Rubric and Application
Women's Advocate for Agriculture Award
The Advocate for Agriculture Award is designed to recognize volunteers who are making an impact in Farm Bureau and in agriculture. Nominate your favorite Woman Advocate for Agriculture today! Nominations are due by November 1st each year.
Short Story Contest
The purpose of this contest is to bring a connection of Utah's agriculture from the farm to the plate through creative writing. Entries are judged at a county level, and then sent to the state. See more information by clicking the link below.
Story Contest Brochure 2024.pdf
reels video Contest
The purpose of this contest is to bring a connection of Utah's agriculture from the farm to the plate through creative video production. Entries are judged at a county level, and then sent to the state. See more information by clicking the button below.