Reporter Resources
Utah Farm Bureau members and staff are knowledgeable and available sources on a variety of subjects, including:
Air Quality | Food Safety | Regulation |
Animal Welfare | Food Quality | Research |
Agritourism | Government | Risk Management |
Business Climate | Farming | Safety |
Crops | Health Care | Sensitive Species |
Education | Jobs & Labor | Endangered Species Act |
Elections | Land Use | Farm Safety |
Energy | Lawsuits | States Rights |
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Farm Markets | Open Space | Trade |
Farm Policy | Agriculture Marketing | Transportation |
Fencing | Politics | Water Quality |
Fiscal Restraint | Property Rights | Wildlife |
Food Affordability | Public Land | Zoning |
For interviews, background information, story ideas or sources (farmers or staff), or if you would like to be added to our news release distribution or publications list, contact:
Matt Hargreaves
Vice President of Communications
Utah Farm Bureau Federation
Tel: 801-233-3003 (office) or 801-455-4320 (cell), @MountainFarmer on twitter
The Utah Farm Bureau was organized in the fall of 1916 by a group of Utah farmers who met in Salt Lake City. D.D. McKay of Huntsville, Utah, became the first president of the state organization. He served until 1922. The first convention was held in 1918 at the Utah Agricultural College in Logan. The first session of the convention was dedicated almost entirely to discussing the price they should seek for sugar beets. Since then, the organization has developed into the largest general agricultural organization in the state of Utah.
The American Farm Bureau was formed when farmer delegates from 30 states gathered at Chicago's LaSalle Hotel on Nov. 12, 1919. Their goal was to speak for themselves through their own national organization. It soon became local, statewide, national and international in its scope and influence. Currently there are more than 2,800 county Farm Bureaus in the United States. The first county Farm Bureau was formed in Broome County, NY in 1911. The "bureau" in Farm Bureau is used because the first Farm Bureau was formed as a "bureau" of the chamber of commerce in Broome County. Missouri was the first state to form a statewide organization in March of 1915.
To order a copy of the Utah Farm Bureau's Centennial History book, contact Matt Hargreaves at 801-233-3003 or click on the link below to order it securely online.