Young Farmer and Rancher Competitions

The Utah Young Farmers and Ranchers program sponsors three competitions for young farmers and ranchers 18-35. Listed here are the contest summaries and applicable forms and information. The state winners are announced at the annual UFBF Convention in November and go on to represent Utah at the American Farm Bureau Convention in January.

Achievement Award

The Achievement Award Program is designed to recognize those young farmers and ranchers that have excelled in their farming/ranching operations and honed their leadership abilities to superiority. 

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Excellence in Agriculture Award

The Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award Program is designed as an opportunity for Young Farmers & Ranchers, while actively contributing and growing through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture, to earn recognition.

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YF&R Discussion Meet

The Discussion Meet contest is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. 

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Collegiate Farm Bureau Discussion Meet

The Collegiate Discussion Meet is an activity designed to build these crucial skills in young, active leaders in agriculture on the collegiate level.  By participating, members build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems. 

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Civic Leadership Award

This award is designed to assist and encourage YF&R members to be involved in Farm Bureau through completion of a series of simple Farm Bureau related tasks. YF&R members who complete the tasks will be recognized at the UFBF’s Fusion conference and will be invited to participate in the Congressional Relationship trip to Washington DC, Spring of 2021.

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 In lieu of area FFA Discussion Meets, we would like to invite participating youth to the Utah Farm Bureau Annual Convention for an on-site High School Discussion Meet. This opportunity allows youth to brush shoulders with producers facing the very problems they are discussing. It is also a great immersive experience to see Utah Farm Bureau in action.

2024-DM-Questions-FINAL (1).pdf

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To find out more information or to contact your County YF&R Chair, please contact someone on the state committee.